Why it is important to convert customers to Instagram followers
Let’s be honest: Instagram is the new Facebook. Anyone who is active on social media is on Instagram and so are likely 70% of your customers. It remains to be seen whether these customers are active Instagrammers who continuously publish content.
Like most of your customers, you are also represented with your company on Instagram, post pictures and stories and try to gain new followers, increase your awareness and grow. But there are different types of growth. On the one hand, gaining new followers can increase your awareness and thus attract more new customers, on the other hand, by turning existing customers into your followers, you can grow your sales and strengthen customer loyalty.
We summarize the latter point a little better.
- Customers come in and out of you and use your service or buy your products.
2. Because these customers are already familiar with you, there is a likelihood that they will become your customers again.
3. The theoretical turnover per customer can thus be multiplied in a targeted manner, in contrast to customers who do not yet exist.
So far, so good, so logical.
But how exactly are the areas of multiplying sales per customer and Instagram followers related?
People who have been your customers already have some kind of trust in you and/or at least know you and who you trust or know is also more likely to go back to you.
Because of this fact, it makes sense to convert people who are your customers to Instagram followers so that you can keep reminding them with offers and news that you exist and that they can get what they want from you. You can therefore use the medium of Instagram in a very targeted manner to multiply the value that each individual customer has for you.
This is why real, physical customers who are/were your customers far outweigh 2000 more followers who follow you but will never use your service because:
-they live in another city/country
– they only like your pictures but cannot afford your service
-They just don’t match your target audience
Make more of your customers with the help of Instagram and increase the value of each customer for you and turn normal customers into real followers on Instagram.
If you need a simple tool for this, then have a look at our Instagram section or click here: Instagram